Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Polymer galore!

For some reason my blog hasn't let me post lately but here is another try!

I haven't had much time to write, I've had back to back birthdays! Sheesh! I've also been working on polymer like crazy! Here are a few items. Most are up at my etsy shop.

The rest you can see at my Facebook page:


Go like it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Metal Clay

I have been dying to work with metal for quite some time. The look of it just inspires and excites me. I love the shiny sterling to the matte look of stainless steel.

As of right now silversmithing is out of the question. So I am opting for a cheaper option in the near future. Metal Clay. That is the main reason I started with polymer, for the practice. The more I research and see the more the itch is taking over!

Before I start trying to convince my husband it is not a waste of money to start saving for I would like more info! I can't find any jewelry stores that have Ny or any classes so the Internet is basically my only form on information.

I will just make a straight forward list of questions if ANYONE has an answer to any or all I will be quite grateful!

-Is it a lot like polymer?

I wanted to do the less expensive route of torching, can I make rings with a torch brand that is softer?

Any specific brands better than others?

What tools do I REALLY need and what are just for the sellers to make money?

Can I use my polymer tools I already have?

That is all I can think of at the moment. To be honest I know nothing of metal yet so don't even know where to start! Very overwhelming!

Ok, that is all that is on my mind tonight :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

How fun is this!?!

Ok not much to tell just have been doing lots and lots of work. Loving it! I have a drawing on my Facebook page for people who like and share it. Free men's/women's wrap bracelet! Look and like my fb page to see which ones

I've been painting and polymer out the wazoo! And now I am mixing the two for much added fun! (The bottom is the mixed one)
All for sale

What do you think about them all!? Please comment and leave feedback!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

New items

New items up at my etsy shop!

I also made some custom orders (robot). One is shipped and one is almost done so no pics... Yet ;-)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kale Chips Anyone? Pinterest Experiment

Sickness still roams around the house. It seems it will never end let me tell ya. I was so sick the other day when I came back from my Dr. Appointment I left my keys in the ignition and now my car is completely dead. So obviously I guess my errands will have to be put on hold for a day. Of course today it's in the 50's and tomorrow it will be back to freezing. Go figure right.

I did have a little bit to get some jewelry making in though. Most are up at my easy store, some not quite yet. I also have a custom order I will be starting soon too. Soon if I ever get the time and patience I will do a tutorial. :)

So Official Pinterest experiment #1Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

This time I give them a 5 (scale 1-10).

Let me say this first in my defense. I might be Italian, but I was never raised to cook or clean. The fact that I even attempted is a Martha Stewart Miracle for my family. I don't know spices, oils, or anything really. So this experiment was not a great success BUT given my lack of cooking experience it is worth trying again.

I will admit I changed a few things. Instead of Olive Oil I used Healthy Balance Oil (because of course that sounds healthier than olive oil.. Right?) and I put a sheet of foil under them instead of coating the pan.. Hey less cleaning... Anyway, the recipe called for 2tsp of vinegar. Since my stomach has been a little upset I only used half of that (1tsp) and ground Sea Salt instead of Kosher salt (I didn't have any).

Ok, so the taste was great. Just fine, my issue was getting them crisp. I did two batches to make sure they weren't piled on and cooked for 6 minutes then flipped and another 3 minutes at 350. They were still limp. So I put it in a few more minutes, same result. I got impatient so I put them all on there (the 2nd batch was cooked and had the same results) and bumped it up to 425 for about 3 minutes. They burned.. Of course. Though they didn't burn enough not to eat so I will eat them anyway! So like I said next time I might actually follow the exact directions (to be honest I'm not sure what I could have done wrong to result in them not being crisp though). No foil? We shall see

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quick post

I have finally been able to finish and post my polymer pendants, a few men's bracelets, and my painting! Yay!! Busy momma here!